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Explore the BOAX LAMIAN metaverse !

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

The BOAX LamIan Metaverse features all of the collaboration between Dr. Lam and Mr. Wen in NFT form. Being a notable scientist, doctor, academic, educator, philanthropist, and artist, Dr. Dominic Lam invented Chromoskedasic Art - a new art discipline through chemical processes; and together with Mr. Ian Wen, the founder and CEO of BOAX, they have created some beautiful NFT artworks including “Olympic Happiness”, “Original IZBLU Bulls X Nine Palace”, “Voyage of Discovery: Universe - The Big Bang”, and many more.

Olympic Happiness NFT by Dr. Lam and Mr. Ian Wen

The theme of the Olympic Happiness NFT is From People to Peace to People, symbolised by the transition from the human element in the NFT to the peace dove, and back to the human element. Featuring the transition from human element in the NFT to the peace dove, and back to the human element, the theme of the Olympic Happiness NFT is From People to Peace to People. It was based on the painting by Dr. Lam originally created for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2004 to symbolize the wish of “Peace for the World and Happiness for all People”, where he integrated the logo of the Olympic Games (the five rings representing the continents) with Chinese calligraphy, and the result represents the Chinese character “樂” which means happiness) to further emphasize on global harmony, art and sports across cultures without borders.

Original IZBLU Bulls X Nine Palace

Among the works of Dr. Dominic Man-Kit Lam, a Hong Kong-based internatioal artisit, the worlds of modern art, scientific discovery, and technology are intertwined. Dr.Lam's art reveals new ways of seeing the world from personal and comical perspective. Dr. Lam’s Nine Court Diagram is a set of nine square Chromoskedasic paintings arranged in a three-by-three grid. Nine Palaces predate the “I Ching”, the “Ba Gua”, and the “Luo Shu” but share many of the same attributes. The colors, surface patterning, texture, tonal range, and definition of each of Lam’s segments relate to these attributes. The eight cardinal and secondary points of the compass are arranged around the outside. At the center is Earth, the place where every living thing resides. This is a joint collaboration between Dr. Lam and Mr. Ian Wen. Mr. Wen created the IZBLU Bulls and superimposed the bulls on the Nine Palace with Dr. Lam's artistic guidance and co-created the NFT to represent the bullish spirit, or in Chinese "牛氣沖天". The owner of this NFT will receive a high resolution printed copy with the creators' signatures. Part of the proceeds from this NFT will go to charitable causes.

Voyage of Discovery: Universe - The Big Bang

This NFT is the first piece in Dr. Lam's "Enchanted Time and Space" Series. It's the beginning part of his signature painting "Voyage of Discovery: Universe", which was created exclusively for his solo exhibition at Louis Vuitton Maison in Hong Kong in 2009. It commemorated the 40th anniversary of man's first landing on the moon.

Bright colours and multi-layered compositions were used to depict the passage of time and space. Moving from left to right, it shows the beginning of the universe through the tricolored explosive ball of energy. This phenomenon is preceded by a transition of atoms to form huge, vibrant clouds of gas, which turns into a scintillating collection of stars.

Dr. Lam also interweaved moons into his piece, which is a derivation of his series of "eye" paintings, whereby the implementation of his Chromoskedasic art technique transforms "eyes" into "stars". This voyage parallels the progressively darkening colours, which represents the end of the universe.

Voyage of Discovery: Universe -The Star Cloud

This NFT is the second piece of Lam’s “Enchanted Time and Space” Series, depicting the vibrant cloud of gas which turned into stars following the big bang.

It’s part of his signature painting “Voyage of Discovery: Universe”, which was created exclusively for his solo exhibition at Louis Vuitton Maison in Hong Kong in 2009. It commemorated the 40th anniversary of man's first landing on the moon.

Dr. Lam utilised bright colours and multi-layered compositions to depict the passage of time and space. Moving from left to right, Lam represented the beginning of the universe through the tricoloured explosive ball of energy. This phenomenon is preceded by a transition of atoms to form huge, vibrant clouds of gas, which turns into a scintillating collection of stars. Lam also interweaved moons into his piece, which is a derivation of his series of “eye” paintings, whereby the implementation of his Chromoskedasic art technique transforms “eyes” into “stars”. This voyage parallels the progressively darkening colours, which represents the end of the universe.

Voyage of Discovery: Universe - Planets and Seasons

This NFT is the third piece of Lam’s “Enchanted Time and Space” Series, representing the formation of colorful stars following the big bang. The colors embody each season in the Chinese culture.

It’s part of his signature painting “Voyage of Discovery: Universe”, which was created exclusively for his solo exhibition at Louis Vuitton Maison in Hong Kong in 2009. It commemorated the 40th anniversary of man's first landing on the moon.

This painting consists of bright colours and multi-layered compositions to depict the passage of time and space. It depicts the aftermath of the amalgamation of dust and gas, taking the form of the deep-colored planets. Although the planets are fluctuating, the scintillating collection of stars are clearly seen beneath in its full glory.

Voyage of Discovery: Universe - End of the Universe

This NFT is the fourth piece of Dr. Lam’s “Enchanted Time and Space” Series, representing the universe fade out.

It’s part of his signature painting “Voyage of Discovery: Universe”, which was created exclusively for his solo exhibition at Louis Vuitton Maison in Hong Kong in 2009. It commemorated the 40th anniversary of man's first landing on the moon.

Lam utilizes luminous colours and multi-layered compositions to show the passage of time and space. It depicts the aftermath of the amalgamation of dust and gas, taking the form of the deep-colored planets, and becoming clouds of dust once again. Slow and subtle movements parallel the aging galaxy. Yet, faint glimmer of hope and life can be observed in the tiny flickers of light that playfully dance around the dim blue planets.

The Expanding Universe 2011 (III)

This NFT is the third piece of Dr. Lam’s “The Expanding Universe 2011” Series.

“After appreciating these works, I feel he has opened a new horizon through his own artistic expedition for many of our recent explorations on sense and sensitivity.” said Chen Xie Jun, the director of the Shanghai Museum.

Life 2011 (I)

This NFT is the first piece of Dr. Lam’s “Life 2011” Series, symbolizing the birth of the lotus.

The lotus is one of the most significant flowers in the Chinese culture. The lifecycle of the lotus is shown in this series, which parallels the journey of the universe. Dr. Lam demonstrated that there is a beginning and end to everything in the universe.

In this painting, the focal point is the centre which represents life amidst the stillness. The red planet situated on the upper right depicts the sun, which is also the first star to be formed in the universe. A fusion of bright colors are interwoven in the darkness to imply the start of new life following the big bang.

Life 2011 (III)

This NFT is the third piece of Dr. Lam’s “Life 2011” Series, symbolizing the birth of the lotus.

The lotus is one of the most significant flowers in the Chinese culture. The lifecycle of the lotus is shown in this series, which parallels the journey of the universe.

Dr. Lam demonstrated that there is a beginning and end to everything in the universe. In this painting, iridescent colors encircle the delicate flower, where a faint ball of light is spinning. Intricate pieces of matter are attracted like magnets to the lotus, which represents the fact that flowers absorbing energy to bloom gracefully.

Life 2011 (V)

This NFT is the fifth piece of Dr. Lam’s “Life 2011” Series, symbolizing the blooming of the lotus.

The lotus is one of the most significant flowers in the Chinese culture. The lifecycle of the lotus is shown in this series, which parallels the journey of the universe.

Dr. Lam demonstrated that there is a beginning and end to everything in the universe. Bright luminescent colors are utilized in this painting to exhibit the freshness and vigor of the lotus’s youth. This piece captures the beauty of nature. Dr. Lam created a “heavenly feel” in this lotus painting that is elevated by the shimmering sparkles. The rich and luxurious petals can be observed by the viewer and interpreted in many ways.

Click the link below to explore our beautiful NFT artworks:

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